Anthroposophic medicine sees itself as complementing science-based conventional treatments. Its integrative concept of improving medical therapies through the insights of the humanities was proposed by Dr. phil. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) in collaboration with the physician Dr. Ita Wegmann (1876-1943) in the 1920s. Anthroposophic medicine views illness not simply as a defect in the body’s physical systems but rather as a complex, often singular event that can be attributed to a range of biographical and environmental factors as well as psycho-physical stress and the patient’s prehistory and post-history (where does the illness “want to take us?”). At the heart of the matter is the self-awareness of each individual:
„Human illness is not what it appears to be, namely a physical defect. Rather, it is nothing but a part of ourselves; or better: an opportunity to become our true selves“
Anamnesis / Diagnostics / Therapy
Our in-depth anamnesis considers your general well-being, personal circumstances, individual biography and spiritual matters just as much as your physical symptoms and the results of medical testing or imaging, etc. We offer our patients diverse laboratory and functional diagnostics as well as a broad spectrum of therapies that accord with the anthroposophic view of the human being:- hundreds of medicines produced in strict accordance with the guiding principles of anthroposophic thought (Weleda, WALA, Abnoba, Helixor, Hiscia)
- in combination with natural remedies and homeopathic medicines, and
- modern external treatments -
- Eurythmy therapy -
- Speech therapy -
- Art therapy -
- Oil dispersion bathing -
- Rhythmic rubs and massage therapy -
Gently – may the soul reveal itself through sensitive dialogue.
Heal – the body through restorative natural remedies.
The Spirit – bears within itself the highest potential.